Padd Farm - BEFORE



Welcome to a 'behind-the-scenes' look at PHD Modular Access Services Limited

Or is it PHD Access Ltd or PHD Group Services Ltd or...?

You may be surprised to learn that over 30 companies are registered with at least one member of the Dwyer family as director or/and shareholder. Including PHD Access Properties Ltd which now owns Padd Farm a 32 acre estate in Egham, Surrey (pictured above) worth around £10m. PHD Access would have you say Padd Farm is located in prestigious Virginia Water, but its ‘Egham’ with an Egham postcode.

Why have a limited company hold title deeds to a property? Is it easier to sell-on? Or is it to save on stamp duty? Perhaps it's so the asset can be transferred to another company to reduce tax? It may well be a good idea to adopt a multi-company approach to restrict financial exposure in the event of a disaster. But PHD Access staff with performance related pay will say profits can be manipulated to ensure only the Dwyer family benefit.

Padd Farm

Mr Beach, the former owner of Padd Farm, who according to Runnymede Borough Council breached several planning regulations and who after 36 years of tenure, was forced to sell the farm in order to pay the council compensation for the planning breaches.

Mr Beach was accused of storing a variety of commercial goods such as storage containers, skips and scaffolding without the prescribed permissions. But if you look at the top picture, it looks like a regular well kept working farm with nothing untoward going on. Certainly nothing on a grand scale.

Long story short, Mr Beach had to pay the council £1.4m in compensation or go to prison. Mr Beach did indeed go to prison as demanded he do so by Runnymede Borough Council, but this is a story for another day.

The question is: How are PHD Access getting away with the exact same breaches in planning which Mr Beach went to prison for? In fact, significantly more breaches!

Look at the arial images and you can clearly see that PHD Access are flaunting planning and probably environmental regulations on an industrial level.

The clue is in the name Padd ‘Farm’. It’s a ‘farm’ and not a commercial storage area or steel works.

Using the Runnymede Borough Council planning portal. Anyone can search and find a certificate of lawfulness for about 4 acres of hard standing at Padd Farm for the movement of agricultural vehicles. As it applied to Mr Beach when he owned the land. But this wasn’t enough for PHD Access who have concreted over a further half acre or so of grassland and used it for commercial storage without applying for planning permission or notifying the environmental agencies.

Perhaps PHD Access are using secret hand gestures at Runnymede Borough Council and backchannels to grease the wheels of industry, making the Dwyer family immune from prosecution while gradually concreting over the whole farm?

It could be that PHD Access have applied to have the planning restrictions 'lifted' retrospectively. In which case the Council should have also offered Mr Beach a retrospective solution before they put him in prison, don’t you think?

PHD Access had submitted plans to turn Padd Farm into an industrial complex. But the plans were refused because it’s an ‘agricultural farm’ on the ‘green belt’. However, it seems PHD Access are going ahead with their heavy industry plans anyway.

The Dwyer family have erected high barricades to stop passers-by seeing what’s going on and turned the farm into a type of Fort Knox. A strong indication that they are hiding a lot of environmentally illegal activity at the farm.

If you know how PHD Access are getting away with the blatant flaunting of planning regulations and how they are getting around the existing enforcement notices - post a comment or send us an email.


One has to ask oneself what the justification was for the Dwyer family to purchase a property with such a long history of planning breaches, enforcement notices and adverse media coverage which will be online forever.

When dealing with the disposal of property. The appointed bailiff or receiver is duty bound by law to raise as much as possible. Did this happen? Mr Beach was forced to pay £1.4m from the sale of his farm but there was next to nothing left over for him and his family.

Do the sums yourself; Padd Farm includes a 3 bedroomed detached bungalow, garages, two extra-large buildings with commercial planning permission and several auxiliary buildings. Four acres of planning approved vehicular hard standing. A further 8 acres of working farmland plus a 20-acre grazing field (not shown in the top image).

How did the Dwyer family manage to purchase a 32 acre estate located in one of the most expensive places to buy property for such a low amount of money? If you know, please post a comment or send us an email.

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